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Ledger.com/start likely serves as an onboarding or setup page for users looking to begin their journey with Ledger's hardware wallets, renowned for their robust security measures and user-friendly interfaces. As an entry point, it introduces users to the process of setting up and securing their digital assets using Ledger's hardware wallet solutions.

Understanding Ledger Hardware Wallets

  1. Security-Centric Approach: Ledger hardware wallets prioritize security, employing industry-leading security features such as secure chips and isolation of private keys offline, safeguarding cryptocurrencies against online threats.

  2. User-Friendly Experience: Ledger emphasizes a seamless and intuitive user experience, allowing individuals, from beginners to experienced users, to easily manage and access their digital assets.

  3. Multi-Currency Support: Ledger's hardware wallets typically support a wide array of cryptocurrencies, enabling users to manage various digital assets within a single device.

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